
Why You Should Not Install Your Own Air Conditioner

Many homes and business owners view installing their own air conditioners as a way of cutting costs. It can prove dangerous and could end up costing more to engage a qualified Air Conditioning Mechanic to rectify the problems. 

Below are four reasons not to install air conditioning yourself. This will help you avoid any unpleasant accidents or ongoing headaches regarding your heating and cooling.


You will likely void warranties if you try to install an air conditioner yourself, especially if your installation is not in accordance with the regulations. Professional air conditioner installations include a Certificate of Compliance and a warranty so that if anything goes wrong, you can turn to someone.

Proper Air Conditioning Installation

It isn’t easy to install an air conditioner correctly. You could end up with higher energy bills and an inefficient air conditioner. Incorrectly attached or installed items can result in more expensive repairs. An expert can help you prepare the area for installation and provide advice on keeping your air conditioner in top condition.

Correct Capacity

You may not be able to choose the right size unit for your room if you buy and install it yourself. Your air conditioner will malfunction more often, cause more energy bills, and produce inferior results if it has a lower capacity than you need. You will pay more for an air conditioner that is larger than what you need. An expert can give you an estimate on how much air conditioning will cost and provide a free quote for the best model.


It can be dangerous to install air conditioning by yourself. There have been horror stories about people who installed their own air conditioning units at home or in businesses. This has resulted in them dying from electrocution. 

For a small cost, it is not worth taking the chance on your safety and health. An air conditioner unit can be installed safely by professionals.

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